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Perfect Outlook integration for your Pipedrive CRM

Supercharge your team's productivity.
Get much more deals. Do way less manual work.

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Pipedrive integration with Outlook

SaySync provides a seamless Outlook integration with your Pipedrive CRM

Your Pipedrive contacts, deals, activities, notes... Everything is at your fingertips, instantly available and always in sync


Instantly see which Outlook contacts are already in your Pipedrive CRM and which are not

Search for contacts in your CRM by name, email address, phone number, and organization

Automatically create new Pipedrive contacts based on email data without leaving Outlook

Add contacts to existing Pipedrive organizations or create new organizations

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See Pipedrive contact in Outlook
Create new Pipedrive deals in Outlook


See at a glance all Pipedrive deals associated with a contact

Create new Pipedrive deals directly in Outlook with just a few clicks when you receive them via email

Change the pipeline, stage, and status of a deal to keep everyone on the team up to date

Save new deals to your Pipedrive CRM


Create new Pipedrive activities and tasks in Outlook

Assign activities and tasks to specific team members for efficient delegation

Easily see which activities and tasks are still open and whether they are already past the deadline

Mark Pipedrive activities and tasks directly in Outlook as completed

Keep track of your to-dos
Create new Pipedrive activities in Outlook
See Pipedrive notes in Outlook


Have direct access to all important information about a Pipedrive contact or deal through the associated notes

Easily create new Pipedrive notes in Outlook when you learn new information

Pin notes so that you or your team members can see important information about contacts and deals more quickly

Equip your team with important information

Ready to boost your productivity?
Start your 30-day free trial.

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